Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Scripture Book Cover

I am not a sewer so I am pretty proud that I did this all by myself without a pattern. Granted its super snug on the book so next time I will give myself more margins but you live and you learn. Using scrap fabric left over from my refurbished craft chair project and random ribbon I already had, I came up with this book cover I now use over my scriptures.

Ok I lied about doing it all by myself. I made the "2 minute flower" using the tutorial from Craftaholics Anonymous. SuPeR EaSy! I added velcro and a strip of fabric to keep the book closed.

If you are as brave (or stupid) to wing it like I did, there are plenty of book cover tutorials on the net. I was specifically looking for one for lds scripture covers and all I could find was inspiration from sites that sell them like this one. She makes the most darling scripture covers and matching totes to carry them in. Here is a little inspiration for you:

I can't find the other picture I saw but it had a place to put crayons or marking pens on the backside.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hanging Vases filled with Votive Candles or Flowers

I have an area of my kitchen that has been a sore spot for a long time. I needed something on the wall so I bought a spur of the moment iron rod shelf with 4 hooks underneath it. 

I am not a fan of hanging mugs in the kitchen, so I have been trying to find something to hang from the hooks.

I used to have hanging pictures from ribbons from the hooks, but never really liked how they turned out. I tried hot gluing some metal planters with herbs in them, but it looked silly to me in the end. 

I'll admit I am a PB junkie and I like to get ideas from their site. On their homepage flashed an idea that was like "Duh! I can't believe you didn't think of something like that!"

I LOVE this! Its so simple and unique and wonderful. The mason jars are a little too country looking for my kitchen, so I used the idea of hanging glass vases and did some more research:

I love the look of clean lines and although this wouldn't fit for what I needed, I wish I had a wall to devote to just this idea. This got me thinking of hanging flowers instead of votive candles.

I really liked this next one from Origin Crafts. It has different vases so that it is a little more unique:

I ended up purchasing these and I was suprised and a little disappointed at just how small they were when they arrived. However at Walmart I was able to find another similar and slightly bigger glass jar meant for salad dressing that I used in addition to the three in this picture. I went to Hobby Lobby with their 50% off stem sale, and got me some white and blue stems to put in them. Here is the end result: